EcoHotel Milano
Since 1969

“Extreme sports” Package

Everyone knows Garfagnana for its own flavorful foods and its astonishing landscapes.
But, too many times, this land is not considered for what it actually is: a land where is possible trying unforgettable experiences and unmatched emotions. It is not just a land to visit as a traditional turist, but a place to live at the peak, especially if you love extreme sports. Do you not believe it? Do you want some example? There you go!

Choose the activity you are more interested in and contact us to get more info about avilabiltyand modality.

You have to add the activities’ cost to the packages’ prices. It is possible to realize half board
and full board packages on demand.

  • 1 night in Superior room, buffet breakfast included: 45 Euros per person;
  • 2 night in Superior room, buffet breakfast included: 43 Euros per person, per night;
  • 3 night in Superior room, buffet breakfast included: 40 Euros per person, per night.
  • 1 night in Standard room, buffet breakfast included:40 Euros per person;
  • 2 night in Standard room, buffet breakfast included: 37 Euros per person, per night;
  • 3 night in Standard room, buffet breakfast included: 35 Euros per person, per night.


How often have you raised your eyes to the sky, losing your gaze in the endless blue? With parachuting you will completely change your point of view and, instead of looking at the “blu dipinto di blu” (as sings the well-known Modugno’s song), you have the chance to see the earth from a totally different and incredible prospective.


Rock climbing and trekking :

If you come down with parachuting, you will raise with the rock climbing! And you have the chance to do such amazing climbing with the only strenght of your muscles, your own cool head and the technique to ascend hard rock’s slopes bare-handed. But can you imagin how satisfying could be to reach such a great goal just thanks to your own skills? And a great meal as reward for the labour? Do we want to talk about it? Lucca Trekking is a group of guides, native of Bagni di Lucca. Mountain’s lovers and experts, they will lead you through landscape, middle-age villages and trials of the wonderful valley.


Paraglinding :

Feeling like floating between clouds and sea, gliding along amazing landscapes and historical site and landing softly, on an isolated shore of Serchio’s river. Is there anyone who wouldn’t try feelings like those one? Amateur or expert glider, everyone can try a tandem fly on a two- seater paraglinder. It’s real, is not a daydream but a chance to live an unmatched emotion if
you are traveling around Lucchesia and Mediavalle. Paraglinding doesn’t require a specific athletic preparation so all of you can try it. So… Tuscany from sky is an amazing experience! What are you waiting for?



A tour to feel the quad’s dynamism crossing woods, hills’ trials, fords, brooks, and wonderful natural routes… Sourrounded by Tuscany’s landscape… LuccaQuad is such an unforgettable experience!



Live your own adventure… have fun sliding on an bubble! Rafting lead you through breath- taking viewes with many light’s trick while you are diving in the crystal clear river’s water. Adrenaline, pure water and team spirit for a day that you won’t forget!


Mountain bike hikes:

Since 1997 is possible to have mountain bike hikes, to discover hidden spots and the
wonderful Bagni di Lucca’s mountain landscape. You will be guided from experts, graduated
at AMI BIKE (Italian Mountain Bike Association). You have various trials to choose, depending
on your condition.


Orrido di Botri’s hike:

Orrido di Botri is a magnificent canyon digged by water, during the century. In the summer time you can ascend it, walking through the riverbed. The reservation, founded in 1971, take care of its rare fauna and flora, the enteirety of vegetation, where eagles build their nests every years. The canyon is open to visitors from June to October, and you can reach it only by car.



A challenge that will test you tactical skills and your courage. Come and try paintball, spend a charged-up day of challenges with your friends!


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